School Information
Letter from the Headteacher
On behalf of the children, staff and governors, I offer you a warm welcome to St Martha’s Catholic Primary School, a member of St. John the Baptist Catholic Academy Trust.
As a Catholic School, we provide our children with the opportunity to grow as young people, supporting them, nurturing them and encouraging them to develop a closer relationship with God. At St. Martha’s we celebrate our faith everyday through liturgy, prayer and throughout our curriculum.
With our close link to Holy Family Catholic Church, we work together to ensure that our children leave us at the end of their primary education as a representative of Jesus; following his teachings and living our mission statement: ‘Together we live and learn, we play and pray.
Being a member of St. John the Baptist Catholic Academy Trust is a privilege for St. Martha’s as we are given the opportunity to work closely with our partner schools, to learn together and support each other to make a difference to the education and lives of our pupils.
It gives me great pleasure to be part of the St. Martha’s community and I hope that you and your family enjoy being part of that community too.
If you require any further information or you would like your child to join our school, please make an appointment to come and see our school in action.
I look forward to meeting you.
Mrs. Rachel Edwards