Home School Agreement
Photograph consent form e-safety agreement between St Martha’s Catholic Primary School and Parents/Guardians.
Dear Parent or Guardian
During the course of the school year there may be opportunities to publicise some of the activities that your child is involved in. This may involve filming or photographing children e.g. for use on our internal display screens, on the school website or in the local news media. As a school, we welcome these opportunities and hope that you do too.
Photography or filming will only take place with the permission of the head teacher, and under the supervision of a teacher. When filming or photography is carried out by the news media, children will only be named if there is a particular reason to do so (e.g. they have won a prize), and home addresses will never be given out.
We believe that positive publicity benefits all involved with the school. Nevertheless, we will not involve your child without your consent. Please take a few minutes to fill in the form. Images of your child held by the school can be viewed upon request. You may withdraw consent at any time.
To give consent, please complete,sign and return the home/school agreement to the school office.